Contemplations of a Strange Mind, Day 6
Talking about sex is weird and different… this one is much explicit
Sex is great… but I havent had enough of it… not even close… got a whole decade to make up for … at least it seems…
But what’s disturbing about this is that people are disturbed about sex talk… no one, at least not ‘in public’ wants to talk about sex… or rather… they want to, of course most people enjoy sex and do sex and see sex and thus talk about sex… but we all get so embarrassed about the idea, the sharing, even just saying or reading the word outside of a romance(ehm, erotica) environment.
Why is that?
Sex has been a public act for most of human history hasnt it? We didnt start even creating houses and private rooms and then retreating to those rooms for sex until around the Greeks…. right? (Really asking, too lazy to research such facts so fast)
Even today, when sex is pretty much one of the biggest parts of the internet (okay… porn… which is really fake or just exaggerated sex), but even when sex is so prevalent in media, life and nature in general we still have such a strong aversion to public sex…. ehm… publically discussing the topic of sex.
Why is that?
Even now, as I type this and inquire just as I would any other topic… I wonder if I should actually ever publish this… why am I so scared? Fear of this somehow ‘tarnishing my brand’? Well wth does that even mean? What is my brand and is it really so cheap and fragile that just the mere mention of sex will somehow paint me as an unsavory individual? Does talking about sex in a public channel make me unhirable?
What kinda BS is that?!?! Literally everyone (who of course didnt take some super sacred vow) has or at least experiences sex in someway. Would I really even want to work for a company or client or whatever that feels some typa way about my talking about sex in a completely non-porn way? Even then… is it not ultimately up to me to decide what my brand is and to decide who I care to work with? Therefore, is it not up to me to decide what I can and cant say in public? Why do we let ‘society’ dictate our own lives so easily and heavy-handedly?
There are so many more examples of this too… of this utter ridiculousness and double standards and just bullshit….
But we’re talking about sex…. particularly about …. well idk about hahaha…. I just want to see how many ways this can come back to ‘bite’ me…. to see if I could ever publish something so haphazardly brazen.
That was a bad word… out of nowhere…. but why is it a ‘bad word’? And why does my heart palpitate in nervousness and my breath hitch in worry? What the hell am I worried about?! That my parents will come and whoop me for saying/writing it? HAH! I know full well they dont read my stuff, and I know fuller weller that they dont really care what I say… havent for a while now… why would they? I’ve proven myself not to be some immature, hot blooded youth running around cussin folk out or just randomly blurting out expletives…
Am I worried that some determined HR person will stumble upon this article and deem me unhirable due to my ‘bad words’? HAH! I’ve heard every boss I had (a whopping 4!) curse far more explicitly for far less ‘scientific’ reasons than this speculative jumble of hypotheticals. Not to mention I wouldnt want to work for anyone that stuffy anyways.
So why do we worry about cursing and other ‘private’ or ‘bad words’ like ‘sex’ and ‘fuck’?
There does not seem to be much of a reason… besides of course.….
Because society said so….
Because its always been like that; we just dont do that… because reasons…
“You shouldnt say bad words because they’re explicit!” Some might argue… but I ask you… wtf does ‘explicit’ even mean, and why?
“Because bad words are ugly, there are so many better words!” is actually a good point… and the one I use often… but, the fact that these are still some of the many words we have at hand, may as well use them when appropriate.
“It’s just not necessary…” Funny! Neither are you! But for serious, Its not necessary to browse the internet, or watch tv, or wear shoes that cost more than $60.. but I bet you still do…
“You’re going to teach kids wrong if you say all these bad words…” Others may say… but I say to you… “Fuck You!” Kids will learn bad words from far worse people or environments no matter what (as long ass they’re not being figuratively chained up like some untrained dog…); least I know that if they run across any swear words here, they’re doing so in an intelligent manner to encourage inquisitive discourse and healthy skepticism in the ‘norm’.
Furthermore, the very act of restraining and restricting and helicoptering kids to ‘protect’ them from any ‘bad influences’ is far more likely to actually push them towards it! If you actually sit down and explain all of these ‘uncomfortable’ words and concepts to them, act as if they are capable human beings, then the mystical appeal of the usually off-limits thing becomes a mundane and ultimately un-seductive thing… sex just becomes a word, fuck just another word, and swearing become the words you use to bomb people you dont like when you’re fed up with being responsible… If you want to instill a respect or wariness for the actual act of sex or the like, then you actually have to do that… to talk about sex and explain why you dont want to fuck everyone you see… explain… have discourse… be open. Only closed properties get broken into.
Mumbles and jumbles.. got way off track… wherever that train was supposed to lead.. iunno…
I was just horny… figured I’d do something more constructive than wishing I could fuck right now.
Hey hiring managers, parents, reporters…. please…. dont spank me… Imma good boy I am… I just had to get at some thots… I mean, get my thoughts in the air… ;)
Reader Discretion advised, Rated 18+
Oh wait… this should go at the top right?… :P