Music lifts me when Im Down

Path of a Trillionaire — Day 1: Doing stuff and Not doing stuff

Elijah Claude
9 min readFeb 4, 2017

Dont Be Fancy.

Idk how to go about this…

All I know is that I want to document my journey… I wanted to do it as a Vlog.. as I feel it may be easier… but I dont even have my own phone right now. There will be too many ‘reasons’ (excuses) as to why I failed to do a daily vlog…

Granted.. maybe I can still do it on my Laptop via recording with my crappy camera… but… eh.. no buts… I will experiment with that.

Hahaha… this is why I like writing though… I can imbue so much more into it.

I dont really consider myself a great writer…. I doubt Im very good at engaging readers… but I know that I am far better at expressing my thoughts via text as opposed to speech.

The barrier between my mind and mouth is not there…. and for some reason, the thoughts just flow right out of my fingers…

GReanted its not as smooth as I would like… but its better than the shtshow that is my mouth when I talk.

So ehm yeah… haha.. I tend to meander and go about on tangents when i write with no real goal in mind… but I think this is good still.. because it will help get a slight bit better insight into my mind at this moment in time…

A slight bit.

If nothing else, when I go back to read this in a few months… in a few years… i will learn a lot more about myself and be able to recall things that I will never be able to recall otherwise…

So i suppose this whole documenting thing is mroe for myself than for anyone else… but I am/will publish it still just in case someone stumbles upon it…

And that is a weird thing in and of itself… I really WANT someone to sumble upone this…i want attention.

But i dont really care for all the marketing to do it… I dont care and dont even want to distribute this… because this is shoddy work…

this is crap

And I feel so very embarrassed… i dont see or doubt anyone will get much value from this…

but Gary made a great point in his video:

Who am I to say this is crap? What is crap to me may be treasure for someone else… so perhaps I should put my all into distributing this content… this documentary of my life…

I mean its not even a documentary… just me sprawling my thoughts and talking to myself on paper LOL

Im not even gonna delete any of that..I think i’ll keep it as is…. Ill let it sit out in the world… write like this and publish and … as hard as it is to say and type…. I’ll market it.

And see what happens.

Thats all we can really do.

Anyways… I think I want to document my day(s)… as a way of both helping me better manage my time and to just share more of ‘me’ beyond random thoughts.

After tentatively, with struggles (<word for that) going to sleep a bit after 2am…

I woke up at 6:50… with my alarm… but failed to actually get up.

I like to stay in bed from 6:50 to 7… as a form of meditation… but really because Im too lazy… or rather just dont get enough sleep and so am too tired to get right up… but I dont like wasting time.. so I try instead to turn it into meditation time… it works sometimes… other times I simply fantasize about my girl… because I can…. and I enjoy it. :P

My second alarm comes on at 7am… most days I get right up, no complaing, and utter how grateful I am that I got up this morning and have these priveldges I have now… helps start the day off right… and ensures that I dont complain about my circumstances, despite how easy it would be to do so.

But this morning, I was really tired… and failed to jump off my bed…

Oh right… I sleep on the top bunk of a bunk bed… no one sleeps on the bottom… im the only one in my room… but I always loved sleeping on an elevated bed for some reason…. havent explained it completely yet.. but I think one big reason is because I get to jump into and out of bed every morning and night… Because I have to jump into bed, I rarely ever lay there during the day, so my mind and body automatically affiliates my bed with sleep and only sleep (but I still mess up and bring devices up there… whooops)…
In the morning, jumping off my bed gives me a small bit of a rush… gets my heart pumping… plus the cold cement floor… means im up and moving (despite how few hours of sleep I may get) almost every day, within a matter of seconds… dressed and up stairs to wake up the kids in 3 minutes or less.. hehe

But this morning,… right…. this morning I was 6 minutes late!…. I almost drifted right back to sleep after stopping my alarm… but luckily my mom was here and got the kids up, I heard them moving about upstairs through these terribly thin walls/floors/cielings and got to moving…

By the time I got upstairs… hmm… i forgot exactly what I did…

My mom was cooking my two youngest brothers eggs… though I was iffy about her cooking, she usually is working at this time, and should be resting.. I felt bad that she was cooking… but itd do no good to co-opt her while she was already in action… and she wouldnt go back to bed anyways…

So I … hmm… drawing a blank… gah… this is why i want to document throughout the day…

but maybe Gary didnt mean it like this…. this is a lot of detail…. and still feels like not enough…

LOL… idk what im doing…

but whatever…

The next thing I remember doing is making sure my emails got sent…

I work for a startup called EmployToy… I will talk about it in a standalone post … it deserves its own thing…

But basically I am doing Sales/Customer Outreach… sending cold emails out to about 33 people from Fortune 500 companies (they were filtered in a list of fastest growing ones in 2016). I recently started really using Hubspot Sales… so I had already set these up to be sent this morning at 8… but the lil check wasnt pressed…. too much detail…

I made sure those were being sent… so points for working first thing in monring!

Nex thing I remember is walking my dang dog…. she’s quite annoying…

Or at least I find her annoying simply because I told them not to get a pet… that they werent ready to take care of it… that they wouldnt even take care of it… and lo and behold, I am pretty much the only that walks, feeds, and cleans up after the thing….

Not her fault… She’s a pretty good dog… she still pees in the house cuz she fails to notify anyone when she has to go, even outside her schedule, and she chews things apart… but yeah… she’s not bad… Quite an ‘attractive’ German Shepard and Husky mix… one blue eye and one black/brown… Quite interesting.

So I started walking her around 8:30.

But I chose to go the ‘long’ way… and really walk around the block…

(I wish I could mark the route on google maps for it to give me an accurate model/measurement of how long it is).. but it was at least a mile around…

I had some interesting thoughts.

I got back a few minutes before 9…

I then spent the next hour and a half or so in a productive distraction…

That was fun.

After that.. i prepared for customer discovery call … but come the actual meeting… she hung up on me… said ‘I thought you were a student… this is a sales thing… I dont have any budget…’ and before I can even explain that we were just looking for feedback and actually arent charging anything for at least 6 months… she just said ‘I dont have any resources for any of that’ and hung up…

Rude much?

That hurt…. gah…. I already am fighting so hard to change my mindset on Sales and to not go into with this feeling of inadequacy… but sheesh…. folks are brutal.


After that I ….

Made breakfast/lunch… it was a mess

Then I started writing this…

Then I watched some YouTube while making comments and began working on this…

PBS Idea Channel, Gary Vee, Steve Patterson, Dnews, Philip DeFranco, Logan Paul

Ending via throwing on some Royce 5'9"

Some great content! Educational in a diverse and entertaining way

OH RIGHT!!! This morning I was listening Jorgen Odegard…

I also finished and published what was supposed to be yesterday’s blog… but back to Jorgen…

This dude is a true TRAP GOD…. lol… Like… his songs are just SO dope… I was jumping around and bumping to his stuff for a good hour I think… Listening to all of em over and over again…

Dancing and jivin… and acting a FOOL!!!

But yes. During my YT binge I was tryna see what was up with my girl… she was supposed to be coming over today… I barely get to see her… especially if I dont walk to her place myself…

Turns out she wont be able to come… which just.. really hurts even more…

Feels like Im just taking Ls…. and more importantly I just feel unproductive …

I feel like just playing some video games. I rationalize it to myself as learning opportunities to gather ‘first hand data’ on how to build a great game… so that I can do even better when it comes my time… but even though I do pay attention to that stuff when playing… tbh… I really should and am ‘punting’ that stuff.

Its just unnecessary…. I dont want to stop it all together, cuz I still find much value in gaming and talking to my game-buddies… but at least allocate it to the weekends… as a reward to give myself only after doing my utmost best at working during the week.

So I will instead just work on my site.

It feels like a game sometimes… I just wish I didnt have to code :P

But despite my dislike and aggravation with coding… I still find it cool to build something with code… (even though Im only building in fancy, angular HTML for now) …

But first… its nap time. My energy is nigh depleted and I feel brain and body just not working fast…. need to recharge a bit…

15 minutes…. while listening to Royce :P

Back up at 6! And to the tune of Detroit vs Everybody… WIN!!


If I dont get sucked down the hip hop trail of dope Detroit rappers… Its time to freaking finish my Journey to the 3D Web…

(But Im not even CLOSE!)

Or rather finally publish the journey thus far… despite how much I’ve failed and fell short of my… well I didnt have a real goal… .. I kinda wanted to bring my wireframe to life. I still should be able to do that…

I will spend these next few hours doing that!


Just spent that time watching SciShow vids and researching about Metallic Hydrogen… great thing to keep in mind…

Also did some work I almost forgot about, updating my Sales CRM…

Alright, now time for the ‘fun’

WebVR really is quite dope!!

No point talking about it here though, all that will come in the blog…

But I was doing that while listening to Big Sean’s album… was pretty nice..

Ate around 9pm… late.. but its whatever.

Only could stomach a biscuit and piece of chicken from popeyes… my appetite goes down the drain when I feel like this…

But… Despite my utter sadness due to not being able to see my woman today…

I feel so much better after listening to this:


Just in case you forgot :P

Oh… and here’s the original I just now listened to:

Anyways… its 11pm… I suppose that should wrap up today’s vlog-like blog…

I really dont think I can or even want to do this on a regular basis haha… Very time consuming and kind of … weird…

But idk… I’ll try it out for a week (maybe) and see if I can digs it…

I will most definitely be coding more… but thats pretty much it… until my brain becomes too fatigued to make much sense out of this deceptively simple HTML.

I mean… LOOK at this!!

Not really complicated…. just… difficult. Like trying to draw with coordinates… Actually thats almost exactly what Im doing! Drawing 3D environments with coordinates.

I just wish they had a wizard of some sort.

I mean… I hear they have an inspector… it wasnt working before for some reason, but I will give it a shot.


Thanks for reading!!

This is all Such a mess…

But it was a cool experience to write.

Not every step will be the best step on the #PathofaTrillionaire… but every day is a new opportunity for better steps. Every moment is a decision to fallback or step up.



Elijah Claude
Elijah Claude

Written by Elijah Claude

Philosopher, Imagineer, Erudite.

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