My Hustle and Where I want to be
So many projects… so little time…
Today I got excited about the prospect of talking with innovative startups at TechDay and other such conferences in New York…
I am not at all an extrovert… and it is *so hard* for me to get comfortable or confident enough to even carry on pleasantries… much less talk about my passions or pitch this startup…
But sheesh… the idea of it is very exhilarating…
I am realizing more and more what I knew already… but distilled into practicality.. that my passion is simply anything around innovative, novel, beautifully executed ideas.
Whether it be Relativity or Artificial SuperIntelligence or 3D Printing or Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Game Web Fictions…. haha… I just love me some dope ideas!!
I dont really know how I cant turn this into a traditional ‘career’… nor do I think i want to.
I mean, I think it would be cool to work at every cool startup or company as a Business Tech Analyst or Product Dev or Project Manager or something of the like for a few months during some really big projects… just to get a firm idea on what creating things on such a scale looks and feels like.
But what I really would love to do (I think…) would be to create a star team or two (+) and ideate, iterate, and execute some super innovative ideas… To really and consistently bring responsible and empowering technology into the world far more purposely and regularly than happens currently when some surprisingly good idea (well executed) becomes a billion dollar company…
My problem with those are that they do not think much about moving humanity forward or providing opportunities to as many people as possible. They focus on making something cool and making a lot of money on that.
THis is not a problem in and of itself… Its as it should be… I just think that once these sorts of companies get to a certain level, (ie like Facebook claiming they want to provide internet to India/Africa and other parts of the ‘developing world’)… once they legit have a mission of changing the world, I think they should focus on creating products that are optimized for creating equal opportunity.. not (just) profiting off of its consumers.
In fact… I think dedicating much of their new philanthropic-like missions to actually providing empowerment to people would increase profits to them and the economy far more effectively and abundantly then could be had from essentially trying to sneak the profit off of them…
Its like the difference between stealing someones secrets and having them want to teach you all their secrets. The latter is *far more* lucrative and beneficial to both parties than the former. Not only because its painless and builds trust.. but simply because being willing to share and help means you are ready to provide as much value as possible, rather than cherry picking what you can get away with.
But yeah…. all that… Constant, daily innovation? Im not there yet.
For now, I am doing cold lead generation and customer research and business development and trying to make it all interesting enough to do more of it more efficiently… I am just trying to concentrate on marketing innovation in this ‘small’ weird space… But I must admit that its still some really dope stuff!!
All the while I’ll be fantasizing of the type of hustle I really want to do.
Woo!! Another #blogumentary written in <20 minutes haha.
Thanks for witnessing the humble beginnings of my #pathofatrillionaire!
Things are about to pick up… (maybe ;)