Sleep. Give your brain those hours to recoup.
Or your brain will take twice those hours back when you really need them.
We all have our own energy levels… we have to listen to our bodies… to pay for the ‘shortcuts’ and cheats and overdrawn energy we take..
There’s a big trend about #hustle… A lot of people like to claim their hustling and working hard and grinding. One of their favorite ways of ‘proving’ how hard they work is by shunning sleep…
Folks like to claim they’re burning the midnight oil grinding, and waking up before the sun to get an early start on their day as well…
Im a natural night owl, but also have been forcefully conditioned into waking up early such that I’d wake up by 7 no matter what.. or even earlier if necessary.
But when I pull an all-nighter + go a whole week with only 4 hours of sleep.. it takes a toll on me.
It was easy to disregard it when I was in school or corporate… I could take a couple naps throughout the day or just kinda slack and be good.
But now that Im actually working on real, self-driven, hard stuff… I realize the folly in the idea that sleep is for the lazy or the whole idea of getting as little sleep as possible..
My SO would look at me so smug if she read that too… cuz Im always talking about how much I hate sleep…
But sheesh… gotta admit the truth when my own body strikes against me so hard…
I managed to get some work done… but not nearly as much as I wanted to… wanted to write a very different blog… two in fact… but sheesh… I just could not dredge up the energy all day… worse yet, I feel as if I my brain is working through sludge… things im forgetting or cant calculate that should be simple…
I find my concentration and even willpower drifting away.. as if into slumber…
My body’s strength and even balance failing.. as if relaxing in rest…
The truth is, it’s not about how much you sleep or don’t sleep. It’s what you do while you’re awake that matters.
— Gary Vaynerchuck
Sleep is important folks… I dont even think its a matter of age or energy level or passion… its just biology… Everyone needs whatever hours of sleep their body demands… mines need 6… and a 15-min afternoon nap…
Much as I want to stay up and get more done… I only end up shooting myself in the face… getting negligible short term gains but sacrificing long-term opportunities.
If I had slept like i was supposed I would have been able to get a lot more done today on all counts…
Gah… get sleep folks…
Thanks for reading..