The Ultimate Social Network
A visual world…. like Second Life plus a Game World plus Slack/Discord plus etc…
Everything is visual based…
Have rooms that are free and open, public by default
Can pay for private rooms
Users (including companies) can create and sell things (craftables) to other users for use in their rooms or places or whatever…
Users who want to buy private rooms/servers can get discounts proportional to amount of space they allow service provider to use for distributed systems…
Fusion and Inclusion with forums, regular social media, message boards, IRC, etc… Such that not all communication has to be through voice. And can thus index all conversations.
Networks and spheres of groups (like Redditors, Quorans, Twitch chat, YouTube fandoms, IG social influencers, etc) all can be mapped such that those interested in joining or studying them can see a visual representation of how they work and more easily learn how to navigate them.
These maps could be ‘infinitely’ scalable, and/or magnified. They could be added into other maps or broken up into smaller maps.
Each one allows users to see influencers, gatekeepers, flow of information, type of information; as well as landscape in terms of community culture ie terms, slang, history, etc
Every user can have a virtual assistant who helps find and make friends by analyzing EQ, personality and more to figure out who you may benefit to know and how to get introduced… doesn’t just find people similar to user either.
Lotta ideas for this.. but will continue later..