Why its important to work on your passions

Some roughly scrawled thoughts

Elijah Claude
5 min readApr 4, 2017

My energy has been so very low recently… specially today…

I managed do some work, kickin off our social media marketing; as well as training some new interns.

Unfortunately, I barely did nothing else beyond work… Didnt get to work on my own projects, didnt shoot a dance video or do a podcast or anything…

I read a good amount, watched some great content that gave me very many ideas… But my energy was so low that I felt like I’d fall asleep at any moment… but I was so restless that I couldnt nap.

I am starting to really see why its important to be working on something you truly care and are passionate about.

I can make myself excited about the startup Im working with despite the mostly ‘boring’ work because what we’re doing is something awesome.

Though I am also looking forward to what will come of me sharing my passion for dance and tech and all that… I still get really anxious when I go to share my thoughts publically, even more so I feel its kinda useless since almost no one is listening, and the one or two that might do.. dont engage.
I fear that its a fault of my own. That despite all my passion for tech and stuff, and despite how much I believe I understand due to careful attention to detail and years of paying attention to history + current events… despite all that, I fear I am still not worthy of people’s attention. That I dont bring value.

I think that is the biggest cause of my lack of energy… besides environmental or sleep-related factors at least… I lack the same passion for putting myself out there in which I have for actually doing the things. Mostly because I dont see anyone caring for it or about it.

But I know that is backwards thinking… plus I know that I need to keep putting stuff out there when nobody is watching to show how much I care for this stuff.

I truly believe that I am very much accurate and will be right about many of the ways I see tech going or many of the things I myself will create. I know that all of this will be phenomenal things to point back to once I get to that point. And that is what drives me publish what I do and think, despite how tired or embarrassed or anxious or restless I may be… Only way to prove oneself is to prove yourself.

Only way to execute is to execute.

That being said, here are some ideas I had today about some stuff:

There are incredible amount of opportunities for seemingly trivial, but actually very useful tech innovations. When cooking, one could have an little drone or a camera or something that can record what you’re doing and measure everything for you to thus create repeatable recipes and dishes.
This is inspired from how my mom grew up just learning how to ‘eyeball it’. She couldnt make a recipe of the awesome food she creates even if she tried to… anything she would write down would itself be estimates and measurements that basically amount to ‘eyeball it’.
There are, I am sure, plenty of cultures and people who can throw down, but cant really pass that on to the world, or maybe not even their own kids if their kids dont have that same passion or desire to learn. So a tool such as this would be a great help to them and the cooking world.

There needs to be a much better way to know wtf is going on in your body. My mother has some, quite frankly, scary medical problems that are mostly cropping up due to small things that went undiagnosed or untended when she was a child and are stacking up terribly now. Whether it be genetic or environmental or whatever, if we had comprehensive, intuitive, affordable and safe ways to visualize what is going on with our body, we can greatly stop many things before they even become a problem; as well as better diagnose problems we cant externally track to the root.
I think having a combination of ‘see through’ technology.. ie stuff that allows you to see ‘into’ the body as well as 3d imaging replete with accurate simulations can do this. Xrays are of course dangerous due to ionizing radiation, but I wonder if sound-waves can be accurate enough without the risk. I have not researched ultrasounds, so im not sure as to their ability to actually see any details on the organelle level… but I think a combination of certain soundwaves, non-ionizing light, and real-time simulations of the body can really help in this regard. Atop, or maybe along with, that I think using microbots that go in and send signals in small bursts that all build up into an extremely accurate 3d image could help.
So the device would be a reusable tool that sends out (weak) light, sound, and extrudes microbots (perhaps via a paste) that can sink into the skin via sweat follicles, image the area, and come back out (or more advanced ones can stay in to regularly scan the area for irregularites).
When I say microbots, I mean amorphous, gel-like things full of sensors and something like silica to get around.
Of course this stuff is next to impossible to do now, but I remember reading a while ago how some are making strides in the way of artificial or cyborg-like cells and bacteria.
Always have to think of safety and security, so all of these microbots should have a fatal weakness against the body’s natural defenses, that way there are no crazy microbot vs immune system issues. Additionally, every device should have unique signals and codes that can force all microbots exuded by that device to self-destruct. And all bots should self-destruct in a matter of minutes or even hours without a ‘keep going’ signal from the home device.

Back in regards to food… there should be a device that ‘eats’ oil… it could absorb (only) oils from food (even hot oil during cooking, cuz its always hard to siphon it off if theres too much).. it should digest the foreign molecules inside that oil, and thus allow the oil to be reused…
That, or it should just ‘digest’ the oil and break it down to less biologically harmful chemicals.

As I write this, my arms are aching from having to put a trampoline together… there should definitely be better, more sensible trampolines that are way more fun and can also morph into different form factors or ‘levels’ of bounciness via a ‘smart’ material similar to the ones used now (whatever that is) + felt and that has little hydraulics that can stretch or release the material as desired.


Note: Ive done next to know research, all this is just ‘off the top’ … or rather ruminations I have througout the day… but I havent done the due diligence to research and figure out how possible, feasible, or efficient any of this would be.

Thanks again for reading!



Elijah Claude
Elijah Claude

Written by Elijah Claude

Philosopher, Imagineer, Erudite.

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