Elijah Claude
4 min readJun 27, 2017

Writing blogs in 30 minutes when I’m super tired is not conducive to me building a good habit of sharing good content or even expressing myself… but whatever…

Today, and for the last 2 or so days I’ve been trying to grasp the idea of dimensions.

There is the idea of 10 dimensions

One dimension is just a line: length for instance

2nd dimension is two perpendicular lines: length and width. This has been fleshed out pretty well in Flatland

3rd dimension is what we’re used to: length, width, depth.. allowing us to move pretty much anywhere in space

4th is time (but not really.. as time can be considered a different thing from spatial dimensions).. but i suppose the better term is worldline? Not quite sure what that means though… i think its the sequence of events or transitions of one set of a thing. You can go back and forth in time. (This is like the 2nd dimension but with time instead of space)

5th is different timelines or worldlines all with the same initial inputs. You can go pretty much anywhere in time (like the 3rd but with time)

6th is different possibilities of different worldlines.. ie what if you werent born

7th is different variations of those possibilities

8th is all of that but in multiple universes where the laws of physics might be different

9th is alk of that but where the origins of each universe may be different too..

10th is infinite places, spaces, times, possibilities, potentialities, etc…

I think im still wrong on that.. and apparently this whole thing is just one type of theory that has more precedence in the public than hard science… i think.

But String Theory deals with 3 spatial dimensions (what we see now), and 6 smaller ones all below the plank scale… 3 interspatial (space between spaces) and 3 intraspatial (space inside spaces)… but it can even hold 12 or 26 or whatever if you include other geometries on that scale… personally i think their could be more in the super large scale.. ie the universe’s macro equivalent to the plank scale.. a distance so vast as to act and be completely different.. but idk if there is a theory for this.

The string theory dimensions make a lot more sense to me.. albeit they’re not as fun as having dimensions where theoretical beings could walk through timelines and universes haha…

I also really like the description of higher spatial dimensions.. ones that dont use time…

That would be what the game Meigakure is based on:


Truly fascinating and far more self consistent! Basically shows that the 4th dimension includes different potentials or timelines… OH wait no!! THATS what worldlines are.. not timelines perse, but parralel universes or just possibilities.. where a given thing may have turned out differently… hmm.. no.. idk

Haha.. this is me trying to talk myself through understanding this.

I never was satisfied just believing it was impossible for us to conceive or even perceive these ‘higher' dimensions simply because we live in the 3rd dimension… then this article came out showing how the brain actually operates in up to 11 dimensions!


This doesnt really give proof that its possible to accurately percieve in said dimensions… but it gives me some crazy hope.

What I use to better understand is performing thought experiments…

One is considering life as a flatlander. The actual thought experiment is great and all, but not literal enough for me.

For instance, it often depicts their line of sight as an actual line.. but really their line of sight (assuming photons can work on a flat plane… which i think they do, as they seem to be one dimensional objects living in a 2d plane… whereas we are 3d objects living in a 4d plane, not including time)… would be just sideon or height views… metaphors often use the example of a cat scan doing brain imaging.. in which sees 2d slices of the brain in a weird shifting view.. but that is a 3d view who can look down on things.. as a flatlander theyd see things coming to or away from them.

A person stepping on their Flatland would look like a line teleporting from one position to another.

The geometrically accurate idea of a 4d object would be like being able to see the front, back, and insides of a 3d object all at the same time.. just like we can see the front, back, and insides of flatlander from ‘above’.. the 4d being would be able to do the same to us.. and the 5d to them, and so on.. but this view in and of itself is posing too many assumptions that I have no idea how to think about.

Gah!! Its all so interesting yet so very crazy… But whatever is the correct theory: Truth is stranger than fiction, and the universe has no obligation to make sense to us.

Elijah Claude
Elijah Claude

Written by Elijah Claude

Philosopher, Imagineer, Erudite.

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